Saturday 22 September 2007

We have had over 300 responses to our survey in 3 weeks; double our original goal.

This is a testament to the massive community movement to tackle climate change in the South West.

We want to make the report as useful as possible to you. I realise you are probably busy, but if you have a few moments, these things would be helpful:

1. CASE STUDIES: 63% of respondents thought that “Case Studies” would be useful. Reading through the responses, it is clear that there is a wealth of successful projects in the South West. Many groups are undertaking similar projects, and could benefit from each other’s expertise. This project is an opportunity to collect and distribute this resource.

If your group has been around long enough to have had successful project, could you take another 15 minutes or so to fill out a case study? You can find the form at the link below:
Not only will we include these case studies in the final report but will also ensure that they are widely distributed elsewhere.If, once you see the form, you notice that information we need is already available on a page of your website, you could just send me the link to that page, and I will try to interpret the information from there but can't guarantee I will have time to do this.

2. MEDIA COVERAGE: We will be doing a region-wide media release of the survey shortly. Could we contact you to see if you could do a quote for this release if needed?

3. PHOTOS: We are looking for photos to ensure that our report visually represents the actions it describes. Can we copy activity photos from your group’s website? If so, can you email me and tell me who to attribute the photos to? I’d also greatly appreciate any photos you could send me via email. You can send them to

I look forward to sending you a link to the report once it is completed; it makes interesting reading. As a very active person myself, I understand you probably have limited time. Thanks again for everything you have done so far to help both this project and our future.